Fund Summary as of |
Total net assets | |
Total number of holdings | |
Benchmark | Russell 2000 Growth® Index |
Initial minimum investment | $1,000 |
Retirement account minimum: | $1,000 |
Subsequent investment | $100 |
Share Class |
Symbol |
Inception |
Class A |
14214M369 |
4/26/2024 |
Class C |
14214M351 |
4/26/2024 |
Class I |
16140T608 |
6/16/2017 |
Class R-6 |
14214M344 |
4/26/2024 |
Russell 2000 Growth Index: an index which measures the performance of 2000 small-cap companies and is designed to represent the small-cap segment of the U.S. Equity universe.
London Stock Exchange Group plc and its group undertakings (collectively, the “LSE Group”). © LSE Group 2024. FTSE Russell is a trading name of certain of the LSE Group companies. Russell® is a trade mark of the relevant LSE Group companies and is used by any other LSE Group company under license. All rights in the FTSE Russell indexes or data vest in the relevant LSE Group company which owns the index or the data. Neither LSE Group nor its licensors accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the indexes or data and no party may rely on any indexes or data contained in this communication. No further distribution of data from the LSE Group is permitted without the relevant LSE Group company’s express written consent. The LSE Group does not promote, sponsor, or endorse the content of this communication.
Investors cannot invest directly in an index.